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Here's what some contributors said:
"I couldn't thank you enough for unlocking parts of my mind, body and soul behind a lens and to an audience. This is something I'll never forget, because it's too deep and I have had nothing but a positive experience from participating in all the Feck projects. Second, Feckshare, what a great idea! and thanks very much :) It's like part of a reminder that we are (you, women, Feck) doing a good job :) and last, words can't explain how happy the photos make me, and how well certain areas of light, water and colour can be used on the human body, in its most beautiful form, nudie. I look forward to my photos going up on the site, as well as all my other stuff :) The moment and memories of my photos will be with me, until infinity. - Selina L"I did a shoot for the site a couple of years ago and it was one of the most fun, liberating and artistic things I've ever done" - Emma
"To be completely honest I didn't think that I had the artistic ability to shoot for Feck, and I wasn't even sure if I would enjoy it! But once I started taking the first pics I was hooked. For me it was a liberating experience. I have been photographed by a lot of photographers and companies and I have never been in control of how the photos were taken. For me, being in control of my image was the most positive aspect of shooting for Feck. I chose the angles, positions and which photos got deleted! A very empowering thing for a girl who has never had that control over her own image." - Angela
"My work with Feck has given me a way to use my body to affect change - in other people's minds, in my own mind, and maybe even a little in the modern collective sexual consciousness." - Gala
"Amidst a university course load that was broadening my views on what it meant to be "sex positive", I started looking around the internet for positive pornography. It was incredibly disappointing to see that so many sites featured the complete cliche of the nude woman; an unrealistic, makeup-covered, nipped-and-tucked parody of female sexuality. Thanks to a tip from a friend, I decided to check out ISM. What struck me immediately about ISM was the glorious variety; ladies of all different ages, nationalities, shapes and sizes, all reveling in the fact that they are ALL hot-as-hell and sexy-as-can-be. Through the self-produced mode of production, the contributors had complete control over their images. There would be no photographers or editors to dictate how each woman wanted to portray her nude self, just the expression of the artist herself. Furthermore, the profiles, statements, and interactions between contributors and members gave each artist a personality and thus, made it all the more sexy. I absolutely adored my ISM experience. The actual process of taking the photos was a blast, but I was so delighted to see the amazingly positive response that the photos got. I am not the typical definition of a "naked girl on the internet" - my waist is bigger than 25 inches and my breasts are humble Bs - but the members of ISM loved my set. Like me, they love that ISM shows so much more than the cookie-cutter female nudity. The editors were incredibly nice and helpful, and the entire experience was so positive, empowering, and (most importantly) sexy!" - Delia
"I must say that I did surprise myself. I never thought about myself being naked on the net, but this is a work of art. I've enjoyed every single shoot, the different locations, the feelings, looking at the results afterwards!" - Mostrina
"TRUTH, it shall set you free. I had so much fun working for Feck because it was like I wasn't working, it was like I was just out and about chillin' with some really good mates, doing random stuff and having heaps of laughs. I love how Feck is all about natural beauty, they make everyone feel comfortable and beautiful. But they don't really have to, cuz all of us are perfect in our own little way, and Feck celebrates that wonderfully. Was it something I alwayz had in me? Growing up my dad alwayz had heaps of pictures of Harley Davidsons and Hot Rods in his shop. Surrounding those magnificent pieces of art were these gorgeous models. Whenever anyone saw those posters they would alwayz light up and make some compliment to the lady in the picture. I alwayz sort of wanted to be like them, achieve what they have achieved. I tried to model when I was younger but alas, at 5'3 I am way too short to even be considered in the modeling industry. I love how this allows you to shine despite your height or minor imperfections that society has imprinted on us. I was able to live out my fantasy and life dream of being a poster girl in a very enjoyable environment. I have so many good memories from working for Feck. Other companies would just treat me like a slut, Feck treats you like a good mate, respectful and human. It's also an easy, fun, quick, creative and liberating way to make some good spending money." - Azuyre
"I first heard about ISM a few years ago when my housemate did a photo shoot. Her photos looked great and while I was too shy at the time to do it myself, I was intrigued and would check up on the site every so often. I decided to give it a go myself. I was initially nervous and rather self-conscious, but it was such a beautiful day and I felt surprisingly comfortable being naked after seeing the photos and realising that I wasn't as flawed as I thought I was. I really enjoyed the creative side behind it, and took advantage of being able to take photos of myself near things that I thought were interesting or pretty. I love how anything goes and was soon thinking of things I could do for my next shoot. I feel much more confident now with my self and my body, and incredibly glad that I'd made the decision to do it." - Redbird
Dear Feck,
Just wanted to let you know that I had a great time taking the photos. Feck provided me with a wonderful opportunity to do something that I've wanted to do for sooooo long. For me, it was a personal journey of reclaiming so much of myself and in particular, my sexuality as a woman. I did the photos with the upmost integrity for myself and hope that this shows through on the photos. The experience was fun, fun, fun and extremely liberating! Thanks again and hope to catch up with you for another go, real soon.
Kind regards,
suzy x
"I had a bloody brilliant time working for Feck... It's all about me! But most of all it made me proud. Proud of my body, proud that at nearly 38 grand years I was called back 3 times! Proud that I had the courage. Because it IS scary. Of course it is. To put yourself out there for the public to view, judge and frankly (hopefully) get turned on over. Or not. PROUD! I would love to work for Feck again..." - Spangles
"I would like to say, that as someone who has been insecure about their body for as long as I can remember, doing the shots of myself was fantastic. Having cancer, being on chemotherapy, it has made me feel like a freak, but when I saw the shots I did of myself, even though heaps of the other girls looked hotter than me, I thought I looked ok. Not a freak,just a naked girl. I thought I'd send this email and just let you know that all the women I dealt with in person, on the phone, via email, were absolutely lovely and helped me feel better about my body. I'm still not very confident when I'm naked, but I'm working on it, and you gals were a big help. Thankyou for your time and for thinking my body was all right to be photographed at all. " - Contributor from Sydney